Face to Fate
wow! was watching [ face to fate ] for the whole day!
I know it's not the latest one but Not a bad drama after all :D Yesterday was the Astro drama awards or so whatever.. Lam Fung was there ! yes ! He was there! and so what? I can just watch him through the TV :(( Mum said will bring us there next year. But what if he wouldn't come again?! x)
I'm not only watching drama okay~ was searching for HIV AIDS and DENGKI thingy for science project. AIDS is type of sickness that will damage your immune system and so you will easily get sick. This couldn't be cure.
Years ago there's one people that went do donated blood. and somehow he/she get AIDS because of the irresponsible of those people using a unclean equipment. although they paid her/him but so what? always remember, PLAY SAFELY.
TIME to say bye bye ! :D