
Catherine Lim ♥
18 on 16th of sept
Ah girl
Ee Hong
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Layout : CRUSHthespeaker
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Blogger : 53-percent
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 4/30/2008
don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 people. this is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first. NO CHEATING! DUN LOOK AHEAD UNLESS YOU FILLED UP THE TOP!
1. H 2. E 3. Z 4. B 5. W
1. how long did you meet 1? since standard 4
2. on a scale of 1-10, how would u rate your friendshipwith 1? 10 ++!
3. how long have u knwn 4? 1 year ++
4. how do you knw number 3? she's in my class
5. where's 5? subang
6. a fact about number 1? can't make a decision
7. who is goin out wif? none
8. what does 1 do for living? cute guys :p
9. would you live with number 3? 50%?
10. what do you like about number 2? straight forward
11. do you miss number 5? not really ? I see her every week though
12. would you make out with number 4? geez .
13. what's ur opinion of number 2? be tough :)
14. what's ur favorite memory with number 5? sleeping in the class, walk around the school.
15. what would you do if number 1 n number 2 are goin out? lesbian ? nah ! lol
16. ever had a long converation wif 5? use to?
17. have you ever slept at 2's hse? nope.
18. do you hang out wif 3 a lot? as in school yes. not out of the school
19. who have you known the longest? definitely ONE
20. = question lost=
21. how often do you talk to 1? depends
22. what about 2? once a month
23. have you ever thought of 3 as more as a friend? no
24. would you go out for a date wif 5? mummy~ is a SHE
25. do you dream about 2? barely
26. what did number 4 do to you tat you can nvr forget? she say she loves me
27. what have you done for 1 tat the person never 4get? not sure?
28. what's 3's hobby? not sure
29. tag 5 people: -Nat -Zen -Mandy -dD -Elise
Monday, April 28, 2008 4/28/2008
happy birthday Esther Au !! :D
Sunday, April 27, 2008 4/27/2008
I ... when I'm drinking my chocolate cream chip at Starbucks. All alone.what was she doing? Take bath. yeah. Take bath!!stupid her :pBut I just couldn't scold her. It's not right to scold a child right?how kind am I.when people around us were sitting there. using their laptop and having seriously..and both of us were cam whoring all the while.did they look at us like one kind ? -.-how embarrass we are.oh but who cares? we had fun :)

I her
 I did call Yee Han along. But she's too busy to even go out and have a drink with us :(

do I suits the spec? I am going to get something similar soon !

: : : : : : :
if you just realize what I just realized, Then we'd be perfect for each other And will never find another Just realized what I just realized We'd never have to wonder if We missed out on each other now.
take time to realize Oh-oh I'm on your side Didn't I, didn't I tell you. Take time to realize This all can pass you by Didn't I tell you
- realize, Colbie Cailat-
Saturday, April 26, 2008 4/26/2008
I wonder how much does this cost. Any idea? the outcome is just fantastic =)

Hong seems to be a bit moody :( gotta cheer her up today! CATT incoming!!~~~
before this
. . . . . . . . . .
let me just finish up my hw and do some revision for mid-term. Shouting: TWO MORE WEEKS TO GO!! Shouting: FREAKING 18 PAPERS!! so pathetic T__T
Friday, April 25, 2008 4/25/2008
- I my girls - everyone of them :)
Belin says she love me !! how sweet :D

athlete ..cheerleaders.. etc etc all of them were so busy preparing, practicing for the coming sports day which is one more week to go. People like me will just end up staying in school , put on the spec , grab a pen , pay attention to what teacher's teaching Lol! not even contributing to the house.
you.. right YOU! I know you don't want us to ask more about what happen to you. But we are here whenever you want to share with us. anything. anytime. anywhere.
no sorry sorry :D

GOT IT ?! *grins
I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait, I'm yours Well open up your mind and see like me Open up your plans and damn you're free Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love Listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing We're just one big family And It's our God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved So I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait I'm sure There's no need to complicate Our time is short This is our fate, I'm yours
- I'm yours, Jason Mraz -
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 4/23/2008
how easy people's feeling could be affect? it doesn't feel good to let others control my feeling. No-no :S geez. I promise to start studying today. But..? what am I doing here ? heh.
JEALOUSY kill us.
I Carmen LEE :p
It’s not right, not OK Say the words that you say Maybe we’re better off this way? I’m not fine, I’m in pain It’s harder everyday Maybe we’re better off this way? It’s better that we break… - better that we break, Maroon 5-
take a bow
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 4/22/2008
nothing much happen lately : ] Unless you consider that me trying so hard to stop myself from scolding her as a something. Yeapp. Not up to anything. Life was good . pretty good . learn not to trap yourself in a small box. You'll get a better view :)Don’t tell me you’re sorry 'cause you’re not, Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught, But you put on quite a show , You really had me going, But now it’s time to go , Curtain’s finally closing', That was quite a show , Very entertaining', But it’s over now (but it's over now), Go on and take a bow, ohh ohh. -take a bow, RIHANA-

Sunday, April 20, 2008 4/20/2008
Let me hear you say HEY HEY HEY
HEY HEY Alright! Now let me hear you say HEY HEY HOHEY

the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen :)
Saturday, April 19, 2008 4/19/2008
sorry red house :(had Mcdonald for lunch today. I called the delivery at 12. By 1 the order is still not here yet. Well, so I called ask them to check for me. Cat: It has been an hour since I order. But my order is still not here yet.???: oh. Can I have your delivery number? I will check it for you....???: Miss Lim, actually your order is ready assemble. If you have any problem you can call us back.Cat: oh.. okay's already 1.35 when the delivery reached. when we open up the food is still hot. Is this what you called " on the way " and yet the food is like just cooked?
Thought I couldn't live without you It's going to hurt when it heals tooIt'll All get better in time Even though I really love you I'm gonna smile because I deserve tooIt'll all get better in time
- better in time, Leona Lewis-
Friday, April 18, 2008 4/18/2008
XIAO WE start our story? It has been a while since I had a long post. filled with words, not pictures. Nothing much happen these days. oh except the SOMEONE was sicked and did not come to school. was quite busy for all those hw. when teachers were telling you what's coming out for exam. oh and you know that exam is COMMINGGGG. how sad?
talked to Carmen this morning. it's grateful that we seems to no more pondering over the problems. All set :) people are all sensitive. perhaps in a different way but you cant' deny. none of us are meant to be together. we must be patient. be calm. forgive. we can't just put the blame on people when you doesn't realize what you did might be wrong.
you want something, you give out something. we can't demand something when we don't even thought to sacrifice something. I'm not panic. I'm okay with that though. just feel like writing it down. nothing personal. err.. maybe just 80%? nah. you can share with us. if you just keeping the problem unseen, it will never cure but getting worse.
oh oh kucing don't start it lol! and yet we've just begun
We've only just begun to live, White lace and promises A kiss for luck and we're on our way. And yes, We've just begun.
Before the rising sun we fly, So many roads to choose We start our walking and learn to run. And yes, We've just begun.
Sharing horizons that are new to us, Watching the signs along the way, Talking it over just the two of us, Working together day to day Together.
And when the evening comes we smile, So much of life ahead We'll find a place where there's room to grow, And yes, We've just begun.
cross your finger for me that I would qualify for tomorrow's cross country :D go red house ! lol !
beware of the cat scratches.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 4/16/2008
Bubble is enjoying
Soo Fong's Birthday
Happy Belated Birthday Soo Fong :DMaroon 5 forever lol! geez.. I want a big big huggie
Monday, April 14, 2008 4/14/2008
It's A Good News! :)Confirmation :- 12.04.08 6.00 p.m. SIC church
nothing much to say about that :)
Mei Ting
Mei Ting - Xin Hui

Yi Xin

head to a Japanese restaurant opposite SJMC

ciao peeps !!:)

meet my pet :- BUBBLE. she's my pet in Facebook * Haikoo Zoo* thanks to Yawan heh.
I think I'm going to start playing my Tamagotchi Soon lol!
Sunday, April 13, 2008 4/13/2008
officially a confirm disciples now :) will update real soon. try this out. simply awesome!
Friday, April 11, 2008 4/11/2008
sorryy for letting you down. ( or I think you barely notice it?whatever.) I just seems to lost the idea to cope up with you. I don't want things to be that way. Certainly there's nothing to do with you but me :)
你這晚來穿得最閃 絕在臉妝這樣艷 若這是場淘汰戰 真不知我怎出線 自問大家不會變 若妒忌你極膚淺 恨我仍然還好勝 別要真的高過我半邊天 若是有人贊揚你 我也應 會替你暗喜 我老實問自己 若我在各樣也沒法及你 這友情 也會悄悄考起......- Jill, jealousy
thanks Carmen <3>
tonight I celebrate my love for you
Thursday, April 10, 2008 4/10/2008
they refuse to see the dirt hiding behind the truth.just a technical problem though lol!
Tonight I celebrate my love for you And that midnight sun is gonna come shining through Tonight there'll be no distance between us What I want most to do, is to get close to you
cross country
Wednesday, April 9, 2008 4/09/2008
had cross country trial today. I went for it. since Me and Belin did not go for the lake run. at first i leave them behind... as you know. I C A N T run! there's always some one like me. who else? Carmen Lee! Carmen: hi Catherine! * huge smile*Catherine: Hi carmen! Carmen: Let's gossip gossip!...............both gossiping for the whole journey Lol. it's just her all time favorite haha! Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan eh?? T W I L I G H T !* Melissa's book. Thank you so muchhh! :Dya we are a bit out of track.we were reading it for every single free time we could catch lol.Zen. where are you now?