seriously. my eyes are hurting due to browsing through the web to research for ESL. the ebrary and Britannica is *^%(@&*%(&%#&* slow! and this is why I get a chance to blog a bit. ( my ass hurts too ) *gosh*
this week has been somewhat difficult for me. not academically tho. I'm starting to cope with the pace and hold it together. I scored 19/20 for my acc assignment! which contributes.. let me see..4.75 to my final! greatt emotionally I can say. guess so that doesn't bring me down. but it leads to many other problem. and most of us take turn to be emo. nono its not a good thing. that makes lunch time less interesting. oh right right its over now .
whatever * with the hand and eyes roll xD
let's hope next week will be better alright? :)
there's more and more picture but Im just not in the mood laa.
"what are you two reading?" wrong page la Evelyn.. we are staring at KFC LOL flying o.O
p/s : class test is coming. I thought I just started college for three weeks o.O p/s : no class on next friday!! where to where to ? D: p/s : I will have a good day tmr!
I really really want to update to feed those hungry spirit ( lol ). but I choose my sleeps over you guys. sorry! :p tmr! and I mean Sunday. promise. just come back tmr will ya? :)
! yerrr.... my bitch & bimbo are most probably watching fast and furious now :( and sakai is here having period cram and facebook-ing doing acc assignment. I'm getting grumpy..grrrr. need a mood switch.but how? :S